
Noopolis, Bahrain Easy Home and new opportunities for international start-up. Interview with Dmitry Pankratov

2023-03-23 14:21 Business
Why Turkey can become a "second home" and how Bahrain is attractive for starting a business.

We present the first interview of 2023. Here is a conversation between Egor Evlannikov and Dmitry Pankratov, businessman and owner of Bahrain Easy Home.

Dmitry will share his plans for 2023 and talk about the work of the eco-system of the startup Noopolis, which includes a physical environment, community, and two services - for creating and ensuring a comfortable life and self-development.

We list the topics of the interview that will surely be of interest to you:
  • A vision of cities of the future, where livability and favourable business conditions are combined. The continuing desire of business people with a penchant for creative development to live in megacities;
  • the rift, the trends of 2022 that have changed the business community, forcing a choice between Western and Eastern values, and what the interlocutors ultimately preferred;
  • how Noopolis will contribute to improving the living standards of the creative class by providing a competent physical environment, social support, services, and which three countries have been chosen in this context to realise the vision;
  • why Turkey can become a "second home" without claiming to replace the homeland. How Bahrain is better than the UAE for a start-up and how the kingdom can become a platform for businesses to go international;
  • about the work of Bahrain Easy Home as a guide to international business and why it is important for Dmitry Pankratov's project to help successful entrepreneurs in Bahrain now.

Thank you in advance for your attention. Enjoy watching and successful implementation of business ideas!